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chilipac:listshelves:listshare [2019/01/05 10:25]
jposeika created
chilipac:listshelves:listshare [2019/01/05 10:26] (current)
jposeika [How shared booklist appears]
Line 10: Line 10:
   * Print the list from webpage or PDF   * Print the list from webpage or PDF
-===== How shared booklist ​appears ​=====+===== How shared booklist ​appearence ​=====
 The URL to share your booklist you get from //Share list// field in your [[chilipac:​listshelves:​listmgmt|Booklist management]] page, e.g., [[https://​​booklist/​6DOye]] is a permanent URL, meaning - nobody else will get this URL, this will only exist for your booklist even if you delete it afterwards. You can share this URL to anyone with access to your library'​s catalog, no need to be logged in to see it. The user would see similar page to this: The URL to share your booklist you get from //Share list// field in your [[chilipac:​listshelves:​listmgmt|Booklist management]] page, e.g., [[https://​​booklist/​6DOye]] is a permanent URL, meaning - nobody else will get this URL, this will only exist for your booklist even if you delete it afterwards. You can share this URL to anyone with access to your library'​s catalog, no need to be logged in to see it. The user would see similar page to this:
chilipac/listshelves/listshare.1546705543.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/01/05 10:25 by jposeika