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connections-api [2014/12/27 14:35]
jposeika [Input]
connections-api [2014/12/27 16:29] (current)
jposeika [User functions]
Line 16: Line 16:
   * How do we handle users that already are ChiliFresh users and will have registered with the particular e-mail addresses?   * How do we handle users that already are ChiliFresh users and will have registered with the particular e-mail addresses?
   * How do we identify OPAC requests with user_key parameter? Can we set up specific OPAC IP(s)?   * How do we identify OPAC requests with user_key parameter? Can we set up specific OPAC IP(s)?
-===== User functions =====+======= User functions ​=======
   * Register **[API/​widget/​lightbox]**   * Register **[API/​widget/​lightbox]**
     * Using single sign-on **[API]**     * Using single sign-on **[API]**
Line 26: Line 26:
     * Using Twitter and Facebook **[widget/​lightbox]**     * Using Twitter and Facebook **[widget/​lightbox]**
   * Sign-out **[API]**   * Sign-out **[API]**
 +===== getUserProfile:​ get user profile information =====
 +Get user profile information
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**getUserProfile** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|user_id|Integer (10)|If //​session_id//​ empty|
 +|session_id|If //user_id// empty|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2900</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​User account</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 17:​23:​23</​response_time>​
 + <​nickname>​Administrator</​nickname>​
 + <​location>​Mesa,​ Arizona, United States</​location>​
 + <​age>​4</​age>​
 + <​avatar_small_img>​http://​​userpic/​small/​blank.png</​avatar_small_img>​
 + <​avatar_large_img>​http://​​userpic/​large/​blank.png</​avatar_large_img>​
 + <​last_login>​2014-12-27 12:​02:​07</​last_login>​
 + <​current_read>​
 +  <​isbn>​24640175</​isbn>​
 +  <​title>​Harry Potter and the goblet of fire</​title>​
 +  <​author>​by J.K. Rowling.</​author>​
 +  <​cover>​https://​​size=SC&​amp;​isbn=24640175</​cover>​
 + </​current_read>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2900|User profile information provided|
 +|2901|Inexistent user or profile restrictions|
 +|61|User not logged in or not specified|
   * Get/edit user information **[API/​widget/​lightbox]**   * Get/edit user information **[API/​widget/​lightbox]**
     * Gender     * Gender
Line 174: Line 224:
 |2300|Settings changed successfully| |2300|Settings changed successfully|
 |2301|Cannot change settings to bookshelf| |2301|Cannot change settings to bookshelf|
 +|60|Session invalid, expired or empty|
 +===== bookshelfAddItem:​ add an item to bookshelf =====
 +Add an item - book, CD, DVD, etc. - to an existing bookshelf
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**bookshelfAddItem** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|shelf_id|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|item_id|ISBN,​ UPC, ISSN, etc.|Yes|
 +|cf_item_id|Integer (10) - item identifier from CF database|No|
 +|item_title|Variable characters (100) - item title|Only if adding unidentified item by //​item_id//​|
 +|item_author|Variable characters (100) - item author|Only if adding unidentified item by //​item_id//​|
 +|session_id|ChiliFresh session - retrieved from userRegister,​ userLogin or userCreateSession call|Yes|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2400</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​Item added to shelf successfully</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 15:​46:​04</​response_time>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2400|Item added to shelf successfully|
 +|2401|Cannot identify item|
 +|2402|Cannot add item to bookshelf|
 +|2403|Empty item identifier|
 +|60|Session invalid, expired or empty|
 +===== bookshelfRemoveItem:​ remove an item from an existing bookshelf =====
 +Remove an item from an existing bookshelf
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**bookshelfAddItem** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|shelf_id|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|item_id|ISBN,​ UPC, ISSN, etc.|Yes|
 +|session_id|ChiliFresh session - retrieved from userRegister,​ userLogin or userCreateSession call|Yes|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2500</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​Item removed successfully</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 15:​46:​04</​response_time>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2500|Item removed successfully|
 +|2501|Cannot remove item from bookshelf|
 +|60|Session invalid, expired or empty|
 +===== bookshelfListShelves:​ listing all shelves of a user =====
 +Listing all shelves of a user - whether logged in user, or not logged in
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**bookshelfListShelves** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|user_id|Variable characters (32)|If //​session_id//​ empty|
 +|session_id|ChiliFresh session - retrieved from userRegister,​ userLogin or userCreateSession call|If //user_id// empty|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2600</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​Shelves listed successfully</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 16:​07:​49</​response_time>​
 + <​user_id></​user_id>​
 + <​bookshelves>​
 +  <​bookshelf>​
 +   <​id>​22761</​id>​
 +   <​item_count>​0</​item_count>​
 +   <​shelf_title>​Test shelf</​name>​
 +   <​order>​0</​order>​
 +   <​default>​no</​default>​
 +   <​required>​no</​required>​
 +   <​public>​no</​public>​
 +   <​date>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 11:​57:​28</​date>​
 +  </​bookshelf>​
 + </​bookshelves>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2600|Shelves listed successfully|
 +|61|User not logged in or not specified|
 +===== bookshelfListItems:​ list all items of some particular bookshelf =====
 +List all items of some particular bookshelf
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**bookshelfListItems** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|shelf_id|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|user_Id|Integer (10)|If //​session_id//​ empty|
 +|session_id|ChiliFresh session - retrieved from userRegister,​ userLogin or userCreateSession call|If //user_id// emtpy|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2700</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​Listing of bookshelf successful</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 17:​05:​21</​response_time>​
 + <​user_id>​231853</​user_id>​
 + <​shelf_id>​22762</​shelf_id>​
 + <​shelf_title>​APIshelf2</​shelf_title>​
 + <​item_count>​4</​item_count>​
 + <​shelf_type>​private</​shelf_type>​
 + <​shelf_type_description>​Own,​ full access</​shelf_type_description>​
 + <​items>​
 +  <​item>​
 +   <​title>​Motivated minds</​title>​
 +   <​author>​Deborah Stipek and Kathy Seal.</​author>​
 +   <​isbn>​0805063951</​isbn>​
 +   <​item_id>​3</​item_id>​
 +   <​work_id>​3</​work_id>​
 +   <​date>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 15:​41:​28</​date>​
 +  </​item>​
 + </​items>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2700|Listing of bookshelf successful|
 +|61|User not logged in or not specified|
 +===== bookshelfMoveItem:​ move an item from one bookshelf to another =====
 +Move an item from one bookshelf to another
 +==== Input ====
 +  * URL for XML output: https://​​api/​connections/​
 +  * URL for JSON output: https://​​api/​connections/​json/​
 +  * Method: POST
 +  * Parameters:
 +|**Parameter** |**Type (size)** |**Mandatory** |
 +|action|**bookshelfMoveItem** |Yes|
 +|account|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|from_shelf|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|to_shelf|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|item_id|Integer (10)|Yes|
 +|location|Variable characters (40)|If applicable|
 +|api_key|Variable characters (40)|Yes|
 +==== Output ====
 +**XML output example:**
 +<?xml version="​1.0"?>​
 + <​response_code>​2800</​response_code>​
 + <​response_description>​Item moved successfully</​response_description>​
 + <​response_time>​Sat,​ 27 Dec 2014 17:​16:​55</​response_time>​
 +==== Response code ====
 +|**Code** |**Code description** |
 +|2800|Item moved successfully|
 +|2801|Could not move item to other bookshelf|
 +|2802|Target shelf does not belong to session user|
 |60|Session invalid, expired or empty| |60|Session invalid, expired or empty|
 ====== Account-related errors ====== ====== Account-related errors ======
connections-api.1419712510.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/12/27 14:35 by jposeika