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Using Connections API you can implement single-signon to OPAC, and other Connections features. It has output available in XML and JSON.
Please note:
Proposed workflow
Here are the expected steps between ChiliFresh (CF), integrated library system / online public access catalog (OPAC) and user that are expected to be taken for the functions.
User registration
Once user account gets created in ILS, or when user accessess OPAC for the first time and opts=in or an existing user opts-in to become ChiliFresh user, a userRegister call is passed to CF with e-mail (optional, for password reset and notifications only) and nickname
CF passess back user_id and user_key to OPAC and they get stored with OPAC user account, as well as active session ID is passed back to OPAC which gets associated with active OPAC user session
After including the opac_session parameter with above mentioned files, an OPAC can make a userSessionCheck method to verify whether user has acquired the active session, and therefore OPAC no longer needs to include the opac_session with any of the files
User login
Once user, that has opted-in for ChiliFresh, logs on to OPAC, a call to CF is passed including user_id and user_key parameters that were acquired and stored using userRegister method
CF passess back active session ID which gets associated with active OPAC user session
After including the opac_session parameter with above mentioned files, an OPAC can make a userSessionCheck method to verify whether user has acquired the active session, and therefore OPAC no longer needs to include the opac_session with any of the files
User logoff
Once user logs off OPAC session, a userLogout call is made to CF with the active CF session ID that was acquired either through userRegister or userLogin calls and associated with the user's OPAC session
CF responds with call status as per
API description above
That way the user session gets terminated and will not be available to other users possibly using the particular computer (e.g., in public libraries)
Single sign-on functions
userRegister: register a user
This function allows registering a user for using ChiliFresh content
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userRegister | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
nickname | Variable characters (50) | No |
email | E-mail address (100) | No |
password | Variable characters (20) | No |
library_card | Variable characters (40) | Depends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction() |
birth_date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Depends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction() |
birth_date_verified | true, false or empty | Depends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction() |
session_interval | Integer (6) - in seconds | No (if empty, will apply default session length of 1440 seconds) |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (3) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | user_description | Text (255) | If error code 270 | Brief description to display to users |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | user_id | Integer (10) | If response_code is “200” | ChiliFresh user ID |
response | user_key | Varchar (32) | If response_code is “200” | ChiliFresh user key for OPAC session identification |
response | session_id | Variable chars (100) | If response_code is “200” | Logged in user's session ID |
Block response ends | | | | |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User registered</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:17:31</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
200 | User registered |
210 | Nickname already taken |
220 | Inappropriate e-mail format |
230 | E-mail already used |
240 | [ERROR DEPRECATED] Empty e-mail |
250 | [ERROR DEPRECATED] Empty nickname |
260 | Empty password |
270 | Birth date empty or incorrect |
280 | Users aged under 13 are not allowed to register |
userLogin: login of a registered user
This function allows logging in a registered user for using ChiliFresh content
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userLogin | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
email | E-mail address (100) | Yes (if user_id and user_key are empty) |
password | Variable characters (20) | Yes (if user_id and user_key are empty) |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes (if email and password are empty) |
user_key | Variable characters (32) | Yes (if email and password are empty) |
session_interval | Integer (6) - in seconds | No (if empty, will apply default session length of 1440 seconds) |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (3) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | user_description | Text (255) | If response code 340 present | Brief description to display to users |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | user_id | Integer (10) | If response_code is “300” | ChiliFresh user ID |
response | session_id | Variable chars (100) | If response_code is “300” | Logged in user's session ID |
response | user_key | Variable chars (100) | If response_code is “300” | Logged in user's user key |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User logged in</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:20:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
300 | User logged in |
310 | Wrong e-mail/password |
311 | Invalid user key |
320 | Empty password |
330 | Empty e-mail |
340 | Age restriction issue |
userSessionCheck: check whether user has acquired OPAC session
This function allows checking whether OPAC session has been acquired by the user.
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userSessionCheck | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User session assigned</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
401 | User session assigned |
402 | Session not found |
403 | Session not assigned yet |
userDelete: delete registered ChiliFresh user account
This function allows user to delete ChiliFresh account
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userDelete | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
location | Variable characters(40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User account deleted</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
1100 | User account deleted |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
getAgeRestriction: get settings for library's age restriction
This function allows to see what age restrictions library has
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | getAgeRestriction | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (50) | No |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (3) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | require_birth_date | boolean | Alwaus | If birth date is required |
response | allow_signup_before_13 | boolean | Always | Whether to allow sign-ups for users younger than 13 |
response | verification_status | tinyint (1) | Always | Whether advanced age verification is on |
response | verification_type | tinyint (1) | If verification_status is true | Type of verification - library-card, e-mail or manual |
response | verification_other | boolean | If verification_status is true | ??? |
response | strict_signup_required | boolean | If verification_status is true | Whether strict verification performed at sign-up |
Block response ends | | | | |
XML output example:
<response_time>Sun, 21 Oct 2012 18:01:41</response_time></response>
Response code
Code | Code description |
500 | Age restrictions supplied |
userLogout: log-out of a logged in user
This function allows logging out a logged in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userLogout | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
location | Variable characters(40) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User logout OK</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
1000 | User logout OK |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
userGetPassword: reset password for user
This function allows resetting a password of a registered user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | userGetPassword | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
email | E-mail address (100) | If nickname empty |
nickname | Variable characters (20) | If email empty |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (3) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Password reset and sent sucessfully</response_description>
<response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:28:18</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
700 | Password reset and sent sucessfully |
710 | Password not sent due to internal error |
720 | No such user |
730 | Supplied e-mail not valid |
740 | Both e-mail and nickname empty |
Error code | Error description |
0 | System error |
1 | Invalid (empty) API key |
2 | Invalid API key |
3 | API key request limit reached |
4 | API key deactivated |
20 | Empty account ID |
30 | Account does not exists |
40 | Account suspended |
50 | Action not specified |
60 | No session ID provided where required |
User profile functions
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | getUserProfile | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
user_id | Integer | No (if session_id provided) |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | No |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | nickname | varchar | Always | Example: Demo user |
response | location | varchar | Always | Example: Olathe, Kansas, United States |
response | avatar_small_img | varchar | Always | Example: |
response | avatar_large_img | Varchar | Always | Example: |
response | last_login | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block current_read starts |
current_read | isbn | Varchar | Always | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Example: 0780661656 |
current_read | title | Varchar | Always | Example: Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone |
current_read | author | Varchar | Always | Example: J.K. Rowling |
current_read | cover | Varchar | Always | Example: |
Block current_read ends |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User profile information provided</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:05:53</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
<location>Chililands, Kansas, United States</location>
<last_login>2015-03-26 05:30:08</last_login>
<title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
<author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPre.</author>
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | nickname | varchar | Always | Example: Demo user |
response | location | varchar | Always | Example: Olathe, Kansas, United States |
response | age | Integer | If user allowed display | Example: Olathe, Kansas, United States |
response | avatar_small_img | varchar | Always | Example: |
response | avatar_large_img | Varchar | Always | Example: |
response | last_login | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block current_read starts |
current_read | isbn | Varchar | Always | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Example: 0780661656 |
current_read | title | Varchar | Always | Example: Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone |
current_read | author | Varchar | Always | Example: J.K. Rowling |
current_read | cover | Varchar | Always | Example: |
Block current_read ends |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User profile information provided</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:09:46</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
<location>Chililands, Kansas, United States</location>
<last_login>2015-03-26 05:30:08</last_login>
<title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
<author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPre.</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2900 | Item moved successfully |
2901 | Cannot not move item to other bookshelf |
61 | User not logged in or not specified |
Bookshelf functions
bookshelfCreate: creating new bookshelf for a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | bookshelfCreate | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
shelf_title | Variable characters (40) | Yes | Bookshelf title |
default | Values: yes/no | No | Whether to set bookshelf as default |
public | Values: yes/no | No | whether to set the bookshelf to public or private |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | user_id | Integer | Always | Example: 84 |
response | shelf_id | Integer | Always | Example: 24512 |
response | shelf_title | Variable characters | Always | Example: Demo title |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Bookshelf created successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:12:12</response_time>
<shelf_title>Demo shelf</shelf_title>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2100 | Bookshelf created successfully |
2101 | Empty bookshelf name |
bookshelfDelete: removing a bookshelf for a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfDelete | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
shelf_id | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Shelf deleted successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:33:49</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2200 | Shelf deleted successfully |
2201 | Cannot delete bookshelf |
2202 | Empty shelf_id parameter |
bookshelfMoveItem: move item before shelves of a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfMoveItem | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
from_shelf | Integer | Yes |
to_shelf | Integer | Yes |
item_id | Variable characters - ISBN, UPC or other item identifier | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Item moved successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:55:08</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2800 | Item moved successfully |
2801 | Cannot not move item to other bookshelf |
2802 | To shelf does not belong to session user |
2803 | From shelf does not belong to session user |
2804 | No such item on source shelf |
2805 | Empty or invalid from_shelf parameter |
2806 | Empty or invalid to_shelf parameter |
2807 | Empty item_id parameter |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
bookshelfChangeSettings: change settings of existing bookshelf of a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfChangeSettings | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
shelf_id | Integer | Yes |
public | Values: yes/no | No |
default | Values: yes/no | No |
shelf_title | Variable characters (50) | No |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Settings changed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:55:08</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2300 | Settings changed successfully |
2301 | Cannot change settings to bookshelf |
2302 | All settings parameters empty |
2303 | Empty shelf_id parameter |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
bookshelfListShelves: list bookshelves of user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfListUserBookshelves | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
user_id | Integer (10) | No (if session_id provided) |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | No (if user_id specified) |
Please note: if session_id provided, the list will include all user's shelves (including private), while if user_id provided, it will only display public bookshelves.
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | user_id | Integer | Always | Example: 84 |
Block bookshelves starts | | | | |
Block bookshelf starts | | | | |
bookshelf | id | Integer | Always | Bookshelf unique ID |
bookshelf | item_count | Integer | Always | Number of items on shelf |
bookshelf | shelf_title | Varchar(40) | Always | Bookshelf title |
bookshelf | order | Integer | Always | Order number when listing shelves |
bookshelf | default | Boolean (yes/no) | Always | Whether the bookshelv is default for the user |
bookshelf | required | Boolean (yes/no) | Always | Whether the bookshelf is the required one |
bookshelf | public | Boolean (yes/no) | Always | Whether the bookshelf is public or private |
bookshelf | date | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Date and time the bookshelf was created |
Block bookshelf ends | | | | |
Block bookshelves ends | | | | |
Block response ends | | | | |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Shelves listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 06:30:29</response_time>
<shelf_title>Test shelf</shelf_title>
<date>Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:19:33</date>
<shelf_title>Current reads</shelf_title>
<date>Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:00:00</date>
<date>Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:00:00</date>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2600 | Shelves listed successfully |
61 | User not logged in or not specified |
bookshelfRemoveItem: removing item from a shelf of a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfRemoveItem | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
item_id | Variable characters (ISBN, UPC or other identifier of the item) | Yes |
shelf_id | Integer - shelf ID from bookshelfListShelves | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Item removed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:31:15</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2500 | Item removed successfully |
2501 | Cannot remove item from bookshelf |
2502 | Empty item_id parameter |
2503 | Empty shelf_id parameter |
2504 | Shelf does not belong to session user |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
bookshelfAddItem: add item to a shelf of a logged-in user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfAddItem | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
shelf_id | Integer (10) | Yes |
item_id | Variable characters (ISBN, UPC or other identifier of the item) | Yes |
item_title | Variable characters | No |
item_author | Variable characters | No |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Item added to shelf successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:22:19</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2400 | Item added to shelf successfully |
2403 | Empty item identifier |
2404 | Empty or invalid shelf_id item |
2405 | Shelf does not belong to session user |
2401 | Cannot identify item |
2402 | Cannot add item to bookshelf |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
bookshelfListItems: list items of particular bookshelf
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory |
action | bookshelfListItems | Yes |
account | Integer (10) | Yes |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
user_id | Integer | Yes, if session_id not specified |
shelf_id | Integer | Yes |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes, if user_id not specified |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
response | user_id | Integer | Always | Example: 84 |
response | shelf_id | Integer | Always | Example: 23125 |
response | shelf_title | Varchar(40) | Always | Bookshelf title |
response | shelf_type | Varchar(40) | Always | Bookshelf type - public or private |
response | shelf_type_description | Varchar(40) | Always | Bookshelf type description, e.g. “Own, full access” |
Block items starts | |
Block item starts | |
item | title | Varchar | Always | Item title |
item | author | Varchar | Always | Item author |
item | isbn | Varchar | Always | Item ISBN |
item | item_id | Integer | Always | Unique CF item ID |
item | work_id | Integer | Always | Unique CF work ID |
item | item_id | Integer | Always | Unique CF item ID |
item | date | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Date item added to shelf |
Block item ends |
Block items ends |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Listing of bookshelf successful</response_description>
<response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 06:59:48</response_time>
<shelf_title>Current reads</shelf_title>
<shelf_type_description>Own, full access</shelf_type_description>
<title>Pizza fun</title>
<author>Judy Bastyra.</author>
<date>Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:38:01</date>
<title>The Help</title>
<author>Stockett, Kathryn</author>
<date>Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:31:21</date>
Response code
Code | Code description |
2700 | Shelves listed successfully |
2701 | Empty shelf_id parameter |
2702 | Shelf does not belong to session or specified user |
61 | User not logged in or not specified |
Messaging functions
Consider limitations:
Users can specify privacy settings, therefore not all of users will accept messages sent from any user who are not in their friends list - use messageRecipientGet call for that and consider <allow_sending> parameter - if true, the message will be accepted.
messageGetInboxList: get inbox list of messages for particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageGetInboxList | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of response list |
page_number | Integer (5) | No | Page number for response list |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | page_size | Integer (5) | Always | Inbox list response size, default = 10 |
response | page_number | Integer (5) | Always | Inbox list response page number |
response | message_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total message count for the user |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block messages starts | Always | |
Block message starts | Always | |
message | sender_name | Variable characters | Always | Example: Demo user |
message | sender_id | Integer | Always | Example: 24512 |
message | subject | Variable characters | Always | Example: Demo subject |
message | datetime | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
message | message_status | Boolean | Always | Example: 1 - message viewed, 0 - message unread |
message | message_id | Integer | Always | Example: 23254 |
Block message starts | Always | |
Block messages ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Inbox message list successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:08:16</response_time>
<sender_name>Demo user</sender_name>
<subject>You have a Book club invitation!</subject>
<datetime>2011-02-26 19:26:40</datetime>
<datetime>2011-05-09 19:14:10</datetime>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3000 | Inbox message list successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageGetSentList: get sent list of messages for particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageGetSentList | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of response list |
page_number | Integer (5) | No | Page number for response list |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | page_size | Integer (5) | Always | Inbox list response size, default = 10 |
response | page_number | Integer (5) | Always | Inbox list response page number |
response | message_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total message count for the user |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block messages starts | Always | |
Block message starts | Always | |
message | sender_name | Variable characters | Always | Example: Demo user |
message | sender_id | Integer | Always | Example: 24512 |
message | subject | Variable characters | Always | Example: Demo subject |
message | datetime | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
message | message_id | Integer | Always | Example: 23254 |
Block message starts | Always | |
Block messages ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Sent messages list successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:15:55</response_time>
<subject>Test message</subject>
<datetime>2009-08-20 04:31:52</datetime>
<recepient_name>Demo user</recepient_name>
<subject>You have a Book club invitation!</subject>
<datetime>2011-02-26 19:26:40</datetime>
<datetime>2012-12-29 16:12:50</datetime>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3001 | Sent messages list successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageGetNewCount: get count and IDs of new (unread) messages
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageGetNewCount | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | message_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total message count for the user |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block messages starts | Always | |
messages | message_id | Integer | Always | Example: 23254 |
Block messages ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>New messages count successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3002 | New messages count successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageGet: get contents of specific message
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageGet | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
message_id | Integer (10) | Yes | Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block message starts | Always | |
message | sender_id | Integer | Always | Example: 23254 |
message | sender_name | Variable characters (50) | Always | Example: Demo user |
message | subject | Variable characters (100) | Always | Example: About book on your shelf |
message | datetime | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
message | message_text | Text (3000) | Always | Text in the message |
Block message ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Message contents retrieved successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
<sender_name>Demo user</sender_name>
<subject>About book on your shelf</subject>
<message_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</message_time>
<message_text>I would like to know more about book on your shelf</message_text>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3003 | Message contents retrieved successfully |
3010 | Message does not exist |
3011 | Empty or invalid message_id parameter |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageReply: reply to specific message
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageReply | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
message_id | Integer (10) | Yes | Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList |
message_text | Text (3000) | Yes | Message text in reply to a specific message |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3004 | Message sent successfully |
3010 | Message does not exist |
3011 | Empty or invalid message_id parameter |
3012 | Empty message_text parameter |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageDelete: delete specific message
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageDelete | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
message_id | Integer (10) | Yes | Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Message deleted successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3006 | Message deleted successfully |
3010 | Message does not exist |
3011 | Empty or invalid message_id parameter |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
messageNew: send message to a user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageNew | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
recipient_id | Integer (10) | Yes | ChiliFresh user ID from messageRecipientGet or elsewhere |
subject | Varchar (50) | Yes | Message subject |
message_text | Text (3000) | Yes | Message text |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3004 | Message sent successfully |
3007 | You are not allowed to send a message to this user |
3008 | Empty message and/or subject |
3009 | Recipient not specified |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | messageReply | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
user_email | Varchar (100) | No | User e-mail - to look up user by e-mail |
nickname | Varchar (50) | No | User nickname - to look up user by nickname |
recipient_id | Integer (10) | No | User ID - to look up user privacy status by ID |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block user starts | Always | |
user | recipient_id | Integer (10) | Always | User ID, example: 84123 |
user | allow_sending | Boolean (0/1) | Always | Whether sender is allowed to send messages to recipient (considering recipient's privacy settings) |
Block user ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3008 | User found |
3009 | User does not exist |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Friending functions
friendsBrowseLibraryUsers: browse users of Connections users in library
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsBrowseLibraryUsers | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of response list |
page_number | Integer (5) | No | Page number for response list |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | page_size | Integer (5) | Always | Response page size, default = 10 |
response | page_number | Integer (5) | Always | Response page number |
response | user_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total user count presented |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block users starts | Always | |
Block user starts | Always | |
user | user_id | Integer (10) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | nickname | Variable characters (50) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | last_login | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
user | city | Variable characters | Always | Example: Bloomington |
user | state | Variable characters | Always | Example: WA |
user | country | Variable characters | Always | Example: US |
user | quote | Variable characters | Always | Example: “Pasaionate for books” |
user | user_image_small | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_medium | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_large | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
Block user ends | Always | |
Block users ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Library user browsing successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
<last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
<quote>Cool users are cool</quote>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3013 | Library user browsing successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsList: list of user's friends - own and other user profile
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsList | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of response list |
page_number | Integer (5) | No | Page number for response list |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | To list friends of different user then the one with session |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | user_id | Integer (10) | Always | User ID for friendlist |
response | page_number | Integer (5) | Always | Response page number |
response | page_size | Integer (5) | Always | Response size, default = 10 |
response | user_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total user count presented |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block users starts | Always | |
Block user starts | Always | |
user | user_id | Integer (10) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | nickname | Variable characters (50) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | last_login | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
user | city | Variable characters | Always | Example: Bloomington |
user | state | Variable characters | Always | Example: WA |
user | country | Variable characters | Always | Example: US |
user | quote | Variable characters | Always | Example: “Pasaionate for books” |
user | user_image_small | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_medium | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_large | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
Block user ends | Always | |
Block users ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User search successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
<last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
<quote>Cool users are cool</quote>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3014 | Library user browsing successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
62 | User information protected |
friendsInvite: invite existing Connections user to become a friend
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsInvite | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes | User ID of a friend to invite |
message | Varchar (255) | No | Invitation message to the user to invite |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Invite sent to the user</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3015 | Invite sent to the user |
3016 | User is already a friend |
3017 | This user is already invited |
3018 | User cannot invite yourself |
3019 | User does not exist |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsAccept: accepting user's friending invitation
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsAccept | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes | User ID of a friend to accept invite of |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3021 | Friend request accepted successfully |
3022 | Invite not found |
3023 | Parameter user_id is empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsReject: rejecting user friending invitation
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsReject | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes | User ID of a friend to accept invite of |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3024 | User invite rejected successfully |
3022 | Invite not found |
3023 | Parameter user_id is empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsRemove: remove an existing friend from list
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsRemove | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
user_id | Integer (10) | Yes | User ID of a friend to accept invite of |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3023 | Parameter user_id is empty |
3025 | Friend removed successfully |
3026 | This user is not in your friends list |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsFind: find a user by nickname or e-mail
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsFind | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of response list |
page_number | Integer (5) | No | Page number for response list |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
user_input | Variable characters (20) | Ye | Search term for user's nickname or e-mail |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | user_id | Integer (10) | Always | User ID for friendlist |
response | page_number | Integer (5) | Always | Response page number |
response | page_size | Integer (5) | Always | Response size, default = 10 |
response | user_count | Integer (10) | Always | Total user count presented |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block users starts | Always | |
Block user starts | Always | |
user | user_id | Integer (10) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | nickname | Variable characters (50) | Always | Example: Demo user |
user | last_login | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
user | city | Variable characters | Always | Example: Bloomington |
user | state | Variable characters | Always | Example: WA |
user | country | Variable characters | Always | Example: US |
user | quote | Variable characters | Always | Example: “Pasaionate for books” |
user | user_image_small | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_medium | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
user | user_image_large | Variable characters | Always | Example: |
Block user ends | Always | |
Block users ends | Always | |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User search successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
<last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
<quote>Cool users are cool</quote>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3027 | User search successful |
3028 | Search input is empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
friendsInvites: list of friending invitations
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | friendsInvites | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
location | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
Format: XML, JSON
Blocks and elements:
Block | Element | Type (size) | Exists | Description |
Block response starts | Always | |
response | response_code | Integer (4) | Always | Response code from the table below |
response | response_description | Text (255) | Always | Brief description of response code |
response | response_time | Date&time (D, d M Y H:i:s) | Always | Example: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32 |
Block response ends |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>User invites listing successful</response_description>
<response_time>Mon, 25 May 2015 16:57:07</response_time>
<date>2010-11-03 13:20:28</date>
<message>Be my friend!</message>
<date>2013-11-15 19:09:06</date>
<message>hihow u doing is</message>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3020 | User invites listing successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Recommendations functions
recommendedUsers: returns recommended users with common interests to particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | |
action | recommendedUsers | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
page | Integer (5) | No | Default: 1 |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Default: 10 |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Listing recommended users successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 11:23:41</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
<nickname>Cathy W</nickname>
<nickname>A-G Admin</nickname>
<nickname>divine cataloger</nickname>
<nickname>Maureen K</nickname>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3030 | Listing recommended users successful |
TBA | User does not have Connections profile |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
recommendedItems: recommended items based on activity and interests of particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | |
action | recommendedItems | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
page | Integer (5) | No | Default: 1 |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Default: 10 |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Listing recommended items successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:04:36</response_time>
<title>Dear Mrs. Larue</title>
<author>written and illustrated by Mark Teague.</author>
<author>Rebecca Stefoff.</author>
<title>If you take a mouse to school</title>
<author>by Laura Numeroff ; illustrated by Felicia Bond.</author>
<title>Spike in trouble</title>
<author>written and illustrated by Paulette Bogan.</author>
<author>Zuza Vrbova ; photography : Susan C. Miller, Hugh Nicholas ; illustration : Robert McAulay ; reading and child psychology consultant : Dr. David Lewis.</author>
<author>Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.</author>
<title>great Gatsby</title>
<author>F. Scott Fitzgerald ; preface and notes by Matthew J. Bruccoli.</author>
<title>He's got the whole world in his hands</title>
<author>Kadir Nelson.</author>
<title>extraordinary healing power of ordinary things ; fourteen natural steps to health and happiness</title>
<author>Larry Dossey.</author>
<title>Harry Potter and the goblet of fire</title>
<author>Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Heyday Films production ; a Mike Newell film ; producer, David Heyman ; screenplay, Steve Kloves ; directed by Mike Newell.</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3032 | Listing recommended users successful |
TBA | User does not have Connections profile |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
recommendedItemUsers: recommended users based on activity with particular item
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | |
action | recommendedItems | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided |
page | Integer (5) | No | Default: 1 |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Default: 10 |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:10:04</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
3033 | Listing item users successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
recommendedItemItems: recommended items based on activity with particular item
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | |
action | recommendedItemItems | Yes | |
account | Integer (10) | Yes | |
api_key | Variable characters (40) | Yes | |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided |
page | Integer (5) | No | Default: 1 |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Default: 10 |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:27:58</response_time>
<title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
<author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
<title>Maximum Ride</title>
<author>Patterson, James William</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
3036 | Listing item items successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
"My following" functions
followingStart: start following an item or user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingStart | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | CF User ID from other API calls. Can be empty if cf_item_id or item_id provided |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of paginated results |
page | Integer (5) | No | Page number of paginated results |
XML output example for following a user:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Started following user successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:34:44</response_time>
<last_login>2016-02-22 02:00:00</last_login>
XML output example for following an item:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Started following item successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:31:40</response_time>
<title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
<author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3043 | Expected isbn, cf_item_id and user_Id parameters all empty |
3039 | User not found |
3040 | Already following this user |
3041 | Item not found |
3042 | Already following this item |
3037 | Started following user successfully |
3038 | Started following item successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingStop: stop following an item or user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingStop | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | CF user ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id pr cf_item_id provided |
XML output example for following a user:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Stopped following user successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:57:45</response_time>
<last_login>2016-02-22 02:00:00</last_login>
XML output example for following an item:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Stopped following item successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:59:10</response_time>
<title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
<author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3043 | Expected isbn, cf_item_id and user_Id parameters all empty |
3039 | User not found |
3045 | You are not following this user |
3041 | Item not found |
3047 | You are not following this item |
3044 | Stopped following user successfully |
3046 | Stopped following item successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingFollowedEvents: list of events of followed user or item
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingFollowedEvents | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
user_id | Integer (20) | No | CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of paginated results |
page | Integer (5) | No | Page number of paginated results |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Events listed successfuly</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:08:03</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
<last_login>2016-04-08 16:32:51</last_login>
<quote>Your text goes here</quote>
<title>Critical perspectives on Harry Potter</title>
<event_name>Demo user added Critical perspectives on Harry Potter to the bookshelf</event_name>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
<last_login>2016-04-08 16:32:51</last_login>
<quote>Your text goes here</quote>
<title>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix</title>
<author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
<event_name>Demo user added Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to the bookshelf</event_name>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3048 | Events listed successfuly |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingUsersFollowingMe: list of users following particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingUsersFollowingMe | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
user_id | Integer (20) | No | CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of paginated results |
page | Integer (5) | No | Page number of paginated results |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Users following me listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:52:15</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3050 | Users following me listed successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingUsersIFollow: list of users that particular user follows
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingItemsIFollow | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
user_id | Integer (20) | No | CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of paginated results |
page | Integer (5) | No | Page number of paginated results |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Items user follows listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:01:24</response_time>
<nickname>Demo user</nickname>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3051 | Items user follows listed successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingItemsIFollow: list of users that particular user follows
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingItemsIFollow | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
user_id | Integer (20) | No | CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided |
page_size | Integer (5) | No | Page size of paginated results |
page | Integer (5) | No | Page number of paginated results |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Followed items listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:54:47</response_time>
<title>Maximum Ride</title>
<author>Patterson, James William</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3049 | Followed items listed successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingSettingsShow: show settings for following for particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingSettingsShow | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:06:46</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3052 | Settings listed successfuly |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
followingSettingsChange: update settings for following for particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | followingSettingsShow | Yes | API call |
allow_follow | 1 (yes) / 0 (no) | Yes | Value of parameter |
allow_ticker | 1 (yes) / 0 (no) | Yes | Value of parameter |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Following settings saved successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:16:59</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3053 | Following settings saved successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | tagsList | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Tags for item listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:29:56</response_time>
<name>harry potter</name>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3054 | Tags for item listed successfully |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
3041 | Item not found |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | tagsMyList | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | CF User ID from other API calls. Can be empty if session_id provided |
Output: tag_id, tag_name
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | tagsItems | Yes | API call |
tag_id | Integer (20) | No | Tag ID from other tag calls |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Items for tag listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:39:41</response_time>
<title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
<author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary Grandprâe.</author>
<title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
<author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3055 | Items for tag listed successfully |
3056 | No items found for such tag |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | tagsAdd | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | Yes | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided |
tag_name | Varchar (100) | Yes | Tag names |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Tag added successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:46:36</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3057 | Tag added successfully |
3041 | Item not found |
3058 | Tag name empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | tagsFind | Yes | API call |
tag_name | Varchar (100) | Yes | Tag name to look for |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Tag found successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:57:03</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3059 | Tag found successfully |
3060 | Tag not found |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | itemInformation | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Item information listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:22:17</response_time>
<title>Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban</title>
<author>J. K. Rowling ; traduit de l'anglais par Jean-François Ménard</author>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3061 | Item information listed successfully |
3041 | Item not found |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
itemUsersBookshelf: get users that have item on their bookshelf
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | itemUsersBookshelf | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Users listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:35:45</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3062 | Users listed successfully |
3041 | Item not found |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
itemDetailsShow: show private details user has added for particular item on shelf
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | itemDetailsShow | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:40:49</response_time>
<reading_start>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reading_start>
<reading_end>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reading_end>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3063 | Users listed successfully |
3064 | Item not found on shelf |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
itemDetailsAdd: add or update private details user has added for particular item on shelf
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | itemDetailsAdd | Yes | API call |
isbn | Integer (20) | No | ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided |
cf_item_id | Integer (10) | No | CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided |
reading_start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Yes | Reading start date |
reading_end | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Yes | Reading end date |
comment | Text | Yes | Comment to detail |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Item details added successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:49:13</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3065 | Item details added successfully |
3064 | Item not on shelf |
3066 | No reading_start or reading_end parameters defined |
3034 | Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
My interests functions
interestsShow: show user's interests that have been set up
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | privacyUpdateSettings | Yes | API call |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | Can be supplied to see display interests of other user |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Interests listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:15:10</response_time>
<name>Favorite authors</name>
<value>James Patterson</value>
<name>Favorite books</name>
<name>Favorite movies</name>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3072 | Interests listed successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | interestsShowGeneral | Yes | API call |
user_id | Integer (10) | No | Can be supplied to see display interests of other user |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>General interests listed successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:21:04</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3073 | General interests listed successfully |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
interestsUpdate: add or update user's interests
Output - success or failure
Output - success or fail
Output - success or fail
Privacy settings functions
privacyShowSettings: show all privacy settings for particular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | privacyShowSettings | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Listing privacy settings successful</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 16:11:36</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3067 | Listing privacy settings successful |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
privacyUpdateSetting: update one item of privacy settings for paticular user
Parameter | Type (size) | Mandatory | Description |
action | privacyUpdateSettings | Yes | API call |
setting_name | One of settings (listed below) | Yes | API call |
option | Values: EVERYONE, FRIENDS, NOBODY | Yes | API call |
session_id | Variable characters (100) | Yes | Session ID from logged in user |
setting_name parameters:
XML output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response_description>Privacy settings updated successfully</response_description>
<response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 16:18:46</response_time>
Response code
Code | Code description |
3068 | Privacy settings updated successfully |
3069 | Invalid setting_name value |
3070 | Invalid option value |
3071 | Empty setting_name or option parameters |
60 | Session invalid, expired or empty |
New features requiring documentation
Profile editing functions
birth_date [YYYY-MM-DD]
show_age [Y/N]
library_card [if required]
gender [optional]
location_state [accepted states - statebycode function]
location_country [accepted countries]
Output - success or error
profileDeletePicture: delete particular user's picture
Output: success or error
profileChangePicture: change particular user's picture
Output - success with img URLs [small, mid, large], or error
profileChangePassword: set or change user password
Same as userChangePassword from Reviews API
profileChangeNickname: change user nickname
Same as userChangeNickname from Reviews API
profileChangeEmail: set or change user e-mail
Same as userChangeEmail from Reviews API
profileChangeRead: set or change user's "Current read" item
item_id [ISBN or UPC] OR
Output: success [item_title, item_author, item_id, cf_item_id] or fail message
profileDeleteRead: delete user's "Current read" item
Output: success or fail message
profileDeleteAccount: delete user's ChiliFresh account
Output: success or failure message
Common connections functions
commonItems: show common items that particular user and other user have on shelves
Output: items block, item block [item_id, cf_item_id, item_title, item_author]
commonUsers: show common users that particular user and other user have as freinds
Output: users_block [user_id, nickname, last_login, city, state, country, quote, user_image_small, user_image_medium, user_image_large]
"My library" functions
myLibraryContent: display HTML content for "My Library" widget
Output: my_library_content [HTML stuff]
Statistics functions
statisticsShow: show statistics of Connections and comparison to friends of particular user
Output: my_stats block [friends, books_read, reviews_written, recommendations, comments] friends_average_stats block [friends, books_read, reviews_written, recommendations, comments]
Cork board functions
session_id or user_id
Output: comment_count, page_count, page_number, comments block, comment block, user block [user_id, nickname, last_login, city, state, country, quote, user_image_small, user_image_medium, user_image_large], comment_date, comment_text
Output: success or failure message
Documentation available here.