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Connections API and widgets

Using Connections API you can implement single-signon to OPAC, and other Connections features. It has output available in XML and JSON.

Please note:

  • parameter account in the documentation is your library's ChiliFresh account ID
  • parameter location is particular location's variable
  • parameter api_key is the unique API key needed to be submitted with all requests. You can manage and get API keys by logging on to Admin panel ( → Reviews tab [will be moved to General tab soon] → API section

Proposed workflow

Here are the expected steps between ChiliFresh (CF), integrated library system / online public access catalog (OPAC) and user that are expected to be taken for the functions.

User registration

  1. Once user account gets created in ILS, or when user accessess OPAC for the first time and opts=in or an existing user opts-in to become ChiliFresh user, a userRegister call is passed to CF with e-mail (optional, for password reset and notifications only) and nickname
  2. CF passess back user_id and user_key to OPAC and they get stored with OPAC user account, as well as active session ID is passed back to OPAC which gets associated with active OPAC user session
  3. The active session ID gets included as opac_session parameter using GET method when calling CF content - whether to call Connections (using file, when opening CF Reviews (using file) and/or as init() function parameter when widgets are loaded for the first time. That way user acquires the session.
  4. After including the opac_session parameter with above mentioned files, an OPAC can make a userSessionCheck method to verify whether user has acquired the active session, and therefore OPAC no longer needs to include the opac_session with any of the files

User login

  1. Once user, that has opted-in for ChiliFresh, logs on to OPAC, a call to CF is passed including user_id and user_key parameters that were acquired and stored using userRegister method
  2. CF passess back active session ID which gets associated with active OPAC user session
  3. The active session ID gets included as opac_session parameter using GET method when calling CF content - whether to call Connections (using file or when opening CF Reviews (using file) and/or as init() function parameter when widgets are loaded for the first time. That way user acquires the session.
  4. After including the opac_session parameter with above mentioned files, an OPAC can make a userSessionCheck method to verify whether user has acquired the active session, and therefore OPAC no longer needs to include the opac_session with any of the files

User logoff

  1. Once user logs off OPAC session, a userLogout call is made to CF with the active CF session ID that was acquired either through userRegister or userLogin calls and associated with the user's OPAC session
  2. CF responds with call status as per API description above
  3. That way the user session gets terminated and will not be available to other users possibly using the particular computer (e.g., in public libraries)

Single sign-on functions

userRegister: register a user

This function allows registering a user for using ChiliFresh content


ParameterType (size)Mandatory
actionuserRegister Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
nicknameVariable characters (50)No
emailE-mail address (100)No
passwordVariable characters (20)No
library_cardVariable characters (40)Depends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction()
birth_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Depends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction()
birth_date_verifiedtrue, false or emptyDepends on library settings, use getAgeRestriction()
session_intervalInteger (6) - in secondsNo (if empty, will apply default session length of 1440 seconds)


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (3)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseuser_descriptionText (255)If error code 270Brief description to display to users
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responseuser_idInteger (10)If response_code is “200”ChiliFresh user ID
responseuser_keyVarchar (32)If response_code is “200”ChiliFresh user key for OPAC session identification
responsesession_idVariable chars (100)If response_code is “200”Logged in user's session ID
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User registered</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:17:31</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
200User registered
210Nickname already taken
220Inappropriate e-mail format
230E-mail already used
240[ERROR DEPRECATED] Empty e-mail
250[ERROR DEPRECATED] Empty nickname
260Empty password
270Birth date empty or incorrect
280Users aged under 13 are not allowed to register

userLogin: login of a registered user

This function allows logging in a registered user for using ChiliFresh content


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionuserLogin Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
emailE-mail address (100)Yes (if user_id and user_key are empty)
passwordVariable characters (20)Yes (if user_id and user_key are empty)
user_idInteger (10)Yes (if email and password are empty)
user_keyVariable characters (32)Yes (if email and password are empty)
session_intervalInteger (6) - in secondsNo (if empty, will apply default session length of 1440 seconds)


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (3)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseuser_descriptionText (255)If response code 340 presentBrief description to display to users
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responseuser_idInteger (10)If response_code is “300”ChiliFresh user ID
responsesession_idVariable chars (100)If response_code is “300”Logged in user's session ID
responseuser_keyVariable chars (100)If response_code is “300”Logged in user's user key
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User logged in</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:20:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
300User logged in
310Wrong e-mail/password
311Invalid user key
320Empty password
330Empty e-mail
340Age restriction issue

userSessionCheck: check whether user has acquired OPAC session

This function allows checking whether OPAC session has been acquired by the user.


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionuserSessionCheck Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger (10)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User session assigned</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
401User session assigned
402Session not found
403Session not assigned yet

userDelete: delete registered ChiliFresh user account

This function allows user to delete ChiliFresh account


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionuserDelete Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
locationVariable characters(40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User account deleted</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
1100User account deleted
60Session invalid, expired or empty

getAgeRestriction: get settings for library's age restriction

This function allows to see what age restrictions library has


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actiongetAgeRestriction Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
locationVariable characters (50)No
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (3)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responserequire_birth_datebooleanAlwausIf birth date is required
responseallow_signup_before_13booleanAlwaysWhether to allow sign-ups for users younger than 13
responseverification_statustinyint (1)AlwaysWhether advanced age verification is on
responseverification_typetinyint (1)If verification_status is trueType of verification - library-card, e-mail or manual
responseverification_otherbooleanIf verification_status is true???
responsestrict_signup_requiredbooleanIf verification_status is trueWhether strict verification performed at sign-up
Block response ends

XML output example:

   <response_time>Sun, 21 Oct 2012 18:01:41</response_time></response>

Response code

Code Code description
500Age restrictions supplied

userLogout: log-out of a logged in user

This function allows logging out a logged in user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionuserLogout Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
locationVariable characters(40)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User logout OK</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:20:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
1000User logout OK
60Session invalid, expired or empty

userGetPassword: reset password for user

This function allows resetting a password of a registered user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionuserGetPassword Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
emailE-mail address (100)If nickname empty
nicknameVariable characters (20)If email empty
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (3)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Password reset and sent sucessfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:28:18</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
700Password reset and sent sucessfully
710Password not sent due to internal error
720No such user
730Supplied e-mail not valid
740Both e-mail and nickname empty
Error code Error description
0System error
1Invalid (empty) API key
2Invalid API key
3API key request limit reached
4API key deactivated
20Empty account ID
30Account does not exists
40Account suspended
50Action not specified
60No session ID provided where required

User profile functions

getUserProfile: get information of logged-in (own) or other user profiles



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actiongetUserProfile Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger No (if session_id provided)
session_idVariable characters (100)No


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:

State 1: If user logged in (viewing own profile information)

Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responsenicknamevarcharAlwaysExample: Demo user
responselocationvarcharAlwaysExample: Olathe, Kansas, United States
responselast_loginDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block current_read starts
current_readisbnVarcharAlwaysISBN, UPC or other identifier. Example: 0780661656
current_readtitleVarcharAlwaysExample: Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
current_readauthorVarcharAlwaysExample: J.K. Rowling
Block current_read ends
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User profile information provided</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:05:53</response_time>
 <nickname>Demo user</nickname>
 <location>Chililands, Kansas, United States</location>
 <last_login>2015-03-26 05:30:08</last_login>
  <title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
  <author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPre.</author>

State 2: If user not logged in (viewing other profile information)

Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responsenicknamevarcharAlwaysExample: Demo user
responselocationvarcharAlwaysExample: Olathe, Kansas, United States
responseageIntegerIf user allowed displayExample: Olathe, Kansas, United States
responselast_loginDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block current_read starts
current_readisbnVarcharAlwaysISBN, UPC or other identifier. Example: 0780661656
current_readtitleVarcharAlwaysExample: Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
current_readauthorVarcharAlwaysExample: J.K. Rowling
Block current_read ends
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User profile information provided</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:09:46</response_time>
 <nickname>Demo user</nickname>
 <location>Chililands, Kansas, United States</location>
 <last_login>2015-03-26 05:30:08</last_login>
  <title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
  <author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPre.</author>

Response code

Code Code description
2900Item moved successfully
2901Cannot not move item to other bookshelf
61User not logged in or not specified

Bookshelf functions

bookshelfCreate: creating new bookshelf for a logged-in user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionbookshelfCreate Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
shelf_titleVariable characters (40)YesBookshelf title
defaultValues: yes/noNoWhether to set bookshelf as default
publicValues: yes/noNowhether to set the bookshelf to public or private
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responseuser_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 84
responseshelf_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 24512
responseshelf_titleVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Demo title
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Bookshelf created successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:12:12</response_time>
 <shelf_title>Demo shelf</shelf_title>

Response code

Code Code description
2100Bookshelf created successfully
2101Empty bookshelf name

bookshelfDelete: removing a bookshelf for a logged-in user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfDelete Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
shelf_idVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Shelf deleted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:33:49</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
2200Shelf deleted successfully
2201Cannot delete bookshelf
2202Empty shelf_id parameter

bookshelfMoveItem: move item before shelves of a logged-in user



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfMoveItem Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
from_shelfInteger Yes
to_shelfInteger Yes
item_idVariable characters - ISBN, UPC or other item identifierYes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Item moved successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:55:08</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
2800Item moved successfully
2801Cannot not move item to other bookshelf
2802To shelf does not belong to session user
2803From shelf does not belong to session user
2804No such item on source shelf
2805Empty or invalid from_shelf parameter
2806Empty or invalid to_shelf parameter
2807Empty item_id parameter
60Session invalid, expired or empty

bookshelfChangeSettings: change settings of existing bookshelf of a logged-in user



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfChangeSettings Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
shelf_idInteger Yes
publicValues: yes/noNo
defaultValues: yes/noNo
shelf_titleVariable characters (50)No
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Settings changed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:55:08</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
2300Settings changed successfully
2301Cannot change settings to bookshelf
2302All settings parameters empty
2303Empty shelf_id parameter
60Session invalid, expired or empty

bookshelfListShelves: list bookshelves of user



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfListUserBookshelves Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
user_idInteger (10)No (if session_id provided)
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)No (if user_id specified)

Please note: if session_id provided, the list will include all user's shelves (including private), while if user_id provided, it will only display public bookshelves.


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responseuser_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 84
Block bookshelves starts
Block bookshelf starts
bookshelfidIntegerAlwaysBookshelf unique ID
bookshelfitem_countIntegerAlwaysNumber of items on shelf
bookshelfshelf_titleVarchar(40)AlwaysBookshelf title
bookshelforderIntegerAlwaysOrder number when listing shelves
bookshelfdefaultBoolean (yes/no)AlwaysWhether the bookshelv is default for the user
bookshelfrequiredBoolean (yes/no)AlwaysWhether the bookshelf is the required one
bookshelfpublicBoolean (yes/no)AlwaysWhether the bookshelf is public or private
bookshelfdateDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysDate and time the bookshelf was created
Block bookshelf ends
Block bookshelves ends
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Shelves listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 06:30:29</response_time>
   <shelf_title>Test shelf</shelf_title>
   <date>Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:19:33</date>
   <shelf_title>Current reads</shelf_title>
   <date>Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:00:00</date>
   <date>Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:00:00</date>

Response code

Code Code description
2600Shelves listed successfully
61User not logged in or not specified

bookshelfRemoveItem: removing item from a shelf of a logged-in user



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfRemoveItem Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
item_idVariable characters (ISBN, UPC or other identifier of the item)Yes
shelf_idInteger - shelf ID from bookshelfListShelvesYes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Item removed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:31:15</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
2500Item removed successfully
2501Cannot remove item from bookshelf
2502Empty item_id parameter
2503Empty shelf_id parameter
2504Shelf does not belong to session user
60Session invalid, expired or empty

bookshelfAddItem: add item to a shelf of a logged-in user



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfAddItem Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
shelf_idInteger (10)Yes
item_idVariable characters (ISBN, UPC or other identifier of the item)Yes
item_titleVariable charactersNo
item_authorVariable charactersNo
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Item added to shelf successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 07:22:19</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
2400Item added to shelf successfully
2403Empty item identifier
2404Empty or invalid shelf_id item
2405Shelf does not belong to session user
2401Cannot identify item
2402Cannot add item to bookshelf
60Session invalid, expired or empty

bookshelfListItems: list items of particular bookshelf



Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionbookshelfListItems Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idIntegerYes, if session_id not specified
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes, if user_id not specified


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
responseuser_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 84
responseshelf_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 23125
responseshelf_titleVarchar(40)AlwaysBookshelf title
responseshelf_typeVarchar(40)AlwaysBookshelf type - public or private
responseshelf_type_descriptionVarchar(40)AlwaysBookshelf type description, e.g. “Own, full access”
Block items starts
Block item starts
itemtitleVarcharAlwaysItem title
itemauthorVarcharAlwaysItem author
itemisbnVarcharAlwaysItem ISBN
itemitem_idIntegerAlwaysUnique CF item ID
itemwork_idIntegerAlwaysUnique CF work ID
itemitem_idIntegerAlwaysUnique CF item ID
itemdateDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysDate item added to shelf
Block item ends
Block items ends
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Listing of bookshelf successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Thu, 26 Mar 2015 06:59:48</response_time>
 <shelf_title>Current reads</shelf_title>
 <shelf_type_description>Own, full access</shelf_type_description>
   <title>Pizza fun</title>
   <author>Judy Bastyra.</author>
   <date>Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:38:01</date>
   <title>The Help</title>
   <author>Stockett, Kathryn</author>
   <date>Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:31:21</date>

Response code

Code Code description
2700Shelves listed successfully
2701Empty shelf_id parameter
2702Shelf does not belong to session or specified user
61User not logged in or not specified

Messaging functions

Consider limitations:
  • Users can specify privacy settings, therefore not all of users will accept messages sent from any user who are not in their friends list - use messageRecipientGet call for that and consider <allow_sending> parameter - if true, the message will be accepted.

messageGetInboxList: get inbox list of messages for particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageGetInboxList Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of response list
page_numberInteger (5)No Page number for response list
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responsepage_sizeInteger (5)AlwaysInbox list response size, default = 10
responsepage_numberInteger (5)AlwaysInbox list response page number
responsemessage_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal message count for the user
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block messages startsAlways
Block message startsAlways
messagesender_nameVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Demo user
messagesender_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 24512
messagesubjectVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Demo subject
messagedatetimeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
messagemessage_statusBooleanAlwaysExample: 1 - message viewed, 0 - message unread
messagemessage_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 23254
Block message startsAlways
Block messages endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Inbox message list successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:08:16</response_time>
   <sender_name>Demo user</sender_name>
   <subject>You have a Book club invitation!</subject>
   <datetime>2011-02-26 19:26:40</datetime>
   <datetime>2011-05-09 19:14:10</datetime>

Response code

Code Code description
3000Inbox message list successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageGetSentList: get sent list of messages for particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageGetSentList Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of response list
page_numberInteger (5)No Page number for response list
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responsepage_sizeInteger (5)AlwaysInbox list response size, default = 10
responsepage_numberInteger (5)AlwaysInbox list response page number
responsemessage_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal message count for the user
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block messages startsAlways
Block message startsAlways
messagesender_nameVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Demo user
messagesender_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 24512
messagesubjectVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Demo subject
messagedatetimeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
messagemessage_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 23254
Block message startsAlways
Block messages endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Sent messages list successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:15:55</response_time>
   <subject>Test message</subject>
   <datetime>2009-08-20 04:31:52</datetime>
   <recepient_name>Demo user</recepient_name>
   <subject>You have a Book club invitation!</subject>
   <datetime>2011-02-26 19:26:40</datetime>
   <datetime>2012-12-29 16:12:50</datetime>

Response code

Code Code description
3001Sent messages list successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageGetNewCount: get count and IDs of new (unread) messages


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageGetNewCount Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responsemessage_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal message count for the user
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block messages startsAlways
messagesmessage_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 23254
Block messages endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>New messages count successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3002New messages count successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageGet: get contents of specific message


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageGet Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
message_idInteger (10)Yes Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block message startsAlways
messagesender_idIntegerAlwaysExample: 23254
messagesender_nameVariable characters (50)AlwaysExample: Demo user
messagesubjectVariable characters (100)AlwaysExample: About book on your shelf
messagedatetimeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
messagemessage_textText (3000)AlwaysText in the message
Block message endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Message contents retrieved successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>
   <sender_name>Demo user</sender_name>
   <subject>About book on your shelf</subject>
   <message_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</message_time>
   <message_text>I would like to know more about book on your shelf</message_text>

Response code

Code Code description
3003Message contents retrieved successfully
3010Message does not exist
3011Empty or invalid message_id parameter
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageReply: reply to specific message


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageReply Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
message_idInteger (10)Yes Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList
message_textText (3000)Yes Message text in reply to a specific message


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3004Message sent successfully
3010Message does not exist
3011Empty or invalid message_id parameter
3012Empty message_text parameter
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageDelete: delete specific message


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageDelete Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
message_idInteger (10)Yes Message ID from messageGetInboxList or messageGetSentList


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Message deleted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3006Message deleted successfully
3010Message does not exist
3011Empty or invalid message_id parameter
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageNew: send message to a user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageNew Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
recipient_idInteger (10)Yes ChiliFresh user ID from messageRecipientGet or elsewhere
subjectVarchar (50)Yes Message subject
message_textText (3000)Yes Message text


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3004Message sent successfully
3007You are not allowed to send a message to this user
3008Empty message and/or subject
3009Recipient not specified
60Session invalid, expired or empty

messageRecipientGet: get information on potential recipient


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionmessageReply Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
user_emailVarchar (100)No User e-mail - to look up user by e-mail
nicknameVarchar (50)No User nickname - to look up user by nickname
recipient_idInteger (10)No User ID - to look up user privacy status by ID


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block user startsAlways
userrecipient_idInteger (10)AlwaysUser ID, example: 84123
userallow_sendingBoolean (0/1)AlwaysWhether sender is allowed to send messages to recipient (considering recipient's privacy settings)
Block user endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Message sent successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:57:56</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3008User found
3009User does not exist
60Session invalid, expired or empty

Friending functions

friendsBrowseLibraryUsers: browse users of Connections users in library


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsBrowseLibraryUsers Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of response list
page_numberInteger (5)No Page number for response list
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responsepage_sizeInteger (5)AlwaysResponse page size, default = 10
responsepage_numberInteger (5)AlwaysResponse page number
responseuser_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal user count presented
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block users startsAlways
Block user startsAlways
useruser_idInteger (10)AlwaysExample: Demo user
usernicknameVariable characters (50)AlwaysExample: Demo user
userlast_loginDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
usercityVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Bloomington
userstateVariable charactersAlwaysExample: WA
usercountryVariable charactersAlwaysExample: US
userquoteVariable charactersAlwaysExample: “Pasaionate for books”
useruser_image_smallVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_mediumVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_largeVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
Block user endsAlways
Block users endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Library user browsing successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
   <last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
   <quote>Cool users are cool</quote>

Response code

Code Code description
3013Library user browsing successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsList: list of user's friends - own and other user profile


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsList Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of response list
page_numberInteger (5)No Page number for response list
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
user_idInteger (10)NoTo list friends of different user then the one with session


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseuser_idInteger (10)AlwaysUser ID for friendlist
responsepage_numberInteger (5)AlwaysResponse page number
responsepage_sizeInteger (5)AlwaysResponse size, default = 10
responseuser_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal user count presented
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block users startsAlways
Block user startsAlways
useruser_idInteger (10)AlwaysExample: Demo user
usernicknameVariable characters (50)AlwaysExample: Demo user
userlast_loginDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
usercityVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Bloomington
userstateVariable charactersAlwaysExample: WA
usercountryVariable charactersAlwaysExample: US
userquoteVariable charactersAlwaysExample: “Pasaionate for books”
useruser_image_smallVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_mediumVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_largeVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
Block user endsAlways
Block users endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User search successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
   <last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
   <quote>Cool users are cool</quote>

Response code

Code Code description
3014Library user browsing successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty
62User information protected

friendsInvite: invite existing Connections user to become a friend


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsInvite Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger (10)YesUser ID of a friend to invite
messageVarchar (255)NoInvitation message to the user to invite
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Invite sent to the user</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3015Invite sent to the user
3016User is already a friend
3017This user is already invited
3018User cannot invite yourself
3019User does not exist
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsAccept: accepting user's friending invitation


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsAccept Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger (10)YesUser ID of a friend to accept invite of
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3021Friend request accepted successfully
3022Invite not found
3023Parameter user_id is empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsReject: rejecting user friending invitation


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsReject Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger (10)YesUser ID of a friend to accept invite of
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3024User invite rejected successfully
3022Invite not found
3023Parameter user_id is empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsRemove: remove an existing friend from list


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsRemove Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
user_idInteger (10)YesUser ID of a friend to accept invite of
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Friend request accepted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3023Parameter user_id is empty
3025Friend removed successfully
3026This user is not in your friends list
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsFind: find a user by nickname or e-mail


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsFind Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of response list
page_numberInteger (5)No Page number for response list
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
user_inputVariable characters (20)YeSearch term for user's nickname or e-mail


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseuser_idInteger (10)AlwaysUser ID for friendlist
responsepage_numberInteger (5)AlwaysResponse page number
responsepage_sizeInteger (5)AlwaysResponse size, default = 10
responseuser_countInteger (10)AlwaysTotal user count presented
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block users startsAlways
Block user startsAlways
useruser_idInteger (10)AlwaysExample: Demo user
usernicknameVariable characters (50)AlwaysExample: Demo user
userlast_loginDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
usercityVariable charactersAlwaysExample: Bloomington
userstateVariable charactersAlwaysExample: WA
usercountryVariable charactersAlwaysExample: US
userquoteVariable charactersAlwaysExample: “Pasaionate for books”
useruser_image_smallVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_mediumVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
useruser_image_largeVariable charactersAlwaysExample:
Block user endsAlways
Block users endsAlways
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>User search successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 24 May 2015 07:26:05</response_time>
   <last_login>2015-04-21 15:08:45</last_login>
   <quote>Cool users are cool</quote>

Response code

Code Code description
3027User search successful
3028Search input is empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

friendsInvites: list of friending invitations


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfriendsInvites Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
locationVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (4)AlwaysResponse code from the table below
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s)AlwaysExample: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:32
Block response ends

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <response_description>User invites listing successful</response_description>
  <response_time>Mon, 25 May 2015 16:57:07</response_time>
    <date>2010-11-03 13:20:28</date>
    <message>Be my friend!</message>
    <date>2013-11-15 19:09:06</date>
    <message>hihow u doing is</message>

Response code

Code Code description
3020User invites listing successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

Recommendations functions


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionrecommendedUsers Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
pageInteger (5)NoDefault: 1
page_sizeInteger (5)NoDefault: 10

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Listing recommended users successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 11:23:41</response_time>
   <nickname>Demo user</nickname>
   <nickname>Cathy W</nickname>
   <nickname>A-G Admin</nickname>
   <nickname>divine cataloger</nickname>
   <nickname>Maureen K</nickname>

Response code

Code Code description
3030Listing recommended users successful
TBAUser does not have Connections profile
60Session invalid, expired or empty

recommendedItems: recommended items based on activity and interests of particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionrecommendedItems Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
pageInteger (5)NoDefault: 1
page_sizeInteger (5)NoDefault: 10

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Listing recommended items successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:04:36</response_time>
   <title>Dear Mrs. Larue</title>
   <author>written and illustrated by Mark Teague.</author>
   <author>Rebecca Stefoff.</author>
   <title>If you take a mouse to school</title>
   <author>by Laura Numeroff ; illustrated by Felicia Bond.</author>
   <title>Spike in trouble</title>
   <author>written and illustrated by Paulette Bogan.</author>
   <author>Zuza Vrbova ; photography : Susan C. Miller, Hugh Nicholas ; illustration : Robert McAulay ; reading and child psychology consultant : Dr. David Lewis.</author>
   <author>Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.</author>
   <title>great Gatsby</title>
   <author>F. Scott Fitzgerald ; preface and notes by Matthew J. Bruccoli.</author>
   <title>He's got the whole world in his hands</title>
   <author>Kadir Nelson.</author>
   <title>extraordinary healing power of ordinary things ; fourteen natural steps to health and happiness</title>
   <author>Larry Dossey.</author>
   <title>Harry Potter and the goblet of fire</title>
   <author>Warner Bros. Pictures presents a  Heyday Films production ; a Mike Newell film ; producer, David Heyman ; screenplay, Steve Kloves ; directed by Mike Newell.</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3032Listing recommended users successful
TBAUser does not have Connections profile
60Session invalid, expired or empty

recommendedItemUsers: recommended users based on activity with particular item


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionrecommendedItems Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided
pageInteger (5)NoDefault: 1
page_sizeInteger (5)NoDefault: 10

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:10:04</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
3033Listing item users successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

recommendedItemItems: recommended items based on activity with particular item


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory
actionrecommendedItemItems Yes
accountInteger (10)Yes
api_keyVariable characters (40)Yes
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided
pageInteger (5)NoDefault: 1
page_sizeInteger (5)NoDefault: 10

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_time>Sun, 20 Mar 2016 16:27:58</response_time>
   <title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
   <author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
   <title>Maximum Ride</title>
   <author>Patterson, James William</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
3036Listing item items successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

"My following" functions

followingStart: start following an item or user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingStart Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
user_idInteger (10)No CF User ID from other API calls. Can be empty if cf_item_id or item_id provided
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of paginated results
pageInteger (5)No Page number of paginated results

XML output example for following a user:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Started following user successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:34:44</response_time>
 <last_login>2016-02-22 02:00:00</last_login>

XML output example for following an item:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Started following item successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:31:40</response_time>
 <title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
 <author>Rowling, J. K.</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3043Expected isbn, cf_item_id and user_Id parameters all empty
3039User not found
3040Already following this user
3041Item not found
3042Already following this item
3037Started following user successfully
3038Started following item successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingStop: stop following an item or user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingStop Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
user_idInteger (10)No CF user ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id pr cf_item_id provided

XML output example for following a user:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Stopped following user successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:57:45</response_time>
 <last_login>2016-02-22 02:00:00</last_login>

XML output example for following an item:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Stopped following item successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 11:59:10</response_time>
 <title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
 <author>Rowling, J. K.</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3043Expected isbn, cf_item_id and user_Id parameters all empty
3039User not found
3045You are not following this user
3041Item not found
3047You are not following this item
3044Stopped following user successfully
3046Stopped following item successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingFollowedEvents: list of events of followed user or item


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingFollowedEvents Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided
user_idInteger (20)No CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of paginated results
pageInteger (5)No Page number of paginated results

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Events listed successfuly</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:08:03</response_time>
    <nickname>Demo user</nickname>
    <last_login>2016-04-08 16:32:51</last_login>
    <quote>Your text goes here</quote>
    <title>Critical perspectives on Harry Potter</title>
   <event_name>Demo user added Critical perspectives on Harry Potter to the bookshelf</event_name>
    <nickname>Demo user</nickname>
    <last_login>2016-04-08 16:32:51</last_login>
    <quote>Your text goes here</quote>
    <title>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix</title>
    <author>Rowling, J. K.</author>
   <event_name>Demo user added Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to the bookshelf</event_name>

Response code

Code Code description
3048Events listed successfuly
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingUsersFollowingMe: list of users following particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingUsersFollowingMe Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided
user_idInteger (20)No CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of paginated results
pageInteger (5)No Page number of paginated results

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Users following me listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:52:15</response_time>
   <nickname>Demo user</nickname>

Response code

Code Code description
3050Users following me listed successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingUsersIFollow: list of users that particular user follows


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingItemsIFollow Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided
user_idInteger (20)No CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of paginated results
pageInteger (5)No Page number of paginated results

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Items user follows listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:01:24</response_time>
   <nickname>Demo user</nickname>

Response code

Code Code description
3051Items user follows listed successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingItemsIFollow: list of users that particular user follows


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingItemsIFollow Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided
user_idInteger (20)No CF user ID - can be empty if session_id provided
page_sizeInteger (5)No Page size of paginated results
pageInteger (5)No Page number of paginated results

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Followed items listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 12:54:47</response_time>
   <title>Maximum Ride</title>
   <author>Patterson, James William</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3049Followed items listed successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingSettingsShow: show settings for following for particular user

Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingSettingsShow Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:06:46</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3052Settings listed successfuly
60Session invalid, expired or empty

followingSettingsChange: update settings for following for particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionfollowingSettingsShow Yes API call
allow_follow 1 (yes) / 0 (no) Yes Value of parameter
allow_ticker1 (yes) / 0 (no) Yes Value of parameter
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user - can be empty if user_id provided

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Following settings saved successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:16:59</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3053Following settings saved successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

Tags functions

tagsList: list tags for particular item


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actiontagsList Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Tags for item listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:29:56</response_time>
   <name>harry potter</name>

Response code

Code Code description
3054Tags for item listed successfully
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
3041Item not found

tagsMyList: list the tags that particular user has added

Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actiontagsMyList Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user
user_idInteger (10)No CF User ID from other API calls. Can be empty if session_id provided

Output: tag_id, tag_name

tagsItems: list items for particular tag


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
action tagsItems Yes API call
tag_id Integer (20)No Tag ID from other tag calls
session_id Variable characters (100) Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Items for tag listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:39:41</response_time>
   <title>Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone</title>
   <author>by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary Grandprâe.</author>
   <title>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</title>
   <author>Rowling, J. K.</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3055Items for tag listed successfully
3056No items found for such tag
60Session invalid, expired or empty

tagsAdd: add tag for an item


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actiontagsAdd Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)Yes ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if isbn provided
tag_nameVarchar (100)Yes Tag names

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Tag added successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:46:36</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3057Tag added successfully
3041Item not found
3058Tag name empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

tagsFind: search for existing tags


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actiontagsFind Yes API call
tag_nameVarchar (100)Yes Tag name to look for

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Tag found successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 13:57:03</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3059Tag found successfully
3060Tag not found
60Session invalid, expired or empty

Item information functions

itemInformation: get information on item by ISBN/UPC or cf_item_id


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionitemInformation Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Item information listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:22:17</response_time>
 <title>Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban</title>
 <author>J. K. Rowling ; traduit de l'anglais par Jean-François Ménard</author>

Response code

Code Code description
3061Item information listed successfully
3041Item not found
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

itemUsersBookshelf: get users that have item on their bookshelf


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionitemUsersBookshelf Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Users listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:35:45</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3062Users listed successfully
3041Item not found
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

itemDetailsShow: show private details user has added for particular item on shelf


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionitemDetailsShow Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:40:49</response_time>
 <reading_start>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reading_start>
 <reading_end>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reading_end>

Response code

Code Code description
3063Users listed successfully
3064Item not found on shelf
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

itemDetailsAdd: add or update private details user has added for particular item on shelf


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionitemDetailsAdd Yes API call
isbnInteger (20)No ISBN, UPC or other identifier. Can be empty if cf_item_id provided
cf_item_idInteger (10)No CF Item ID from other API calls. Can be empty if item_id provided
reading_startDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Yes Reading start date
reading_endDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Yes Reading end date
commentTextYes Comment to detail
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Item details added successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 15:49:13</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3065Item details added successfully
3064Item not on shelf
3066No reading_start or reading_end parameters defined
3034Expected isbn or cf_item_id parameters both empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

My interests functions

interestsShow: show user's interests that have been set up


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actioninterestsShow Yes API call
user_idInteger (10) No Can be supplied to see display interests of other user
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Interests listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:15:10</response_time>
   <name>Favorite authors</name>
   <value>James Patterson</value>
   <name>Favorite books</name>
   <name>Favorite movies</name>

Response code

Code Code description
3072Interests listed successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

interestsShowGeneral: show list of general interests (user input)


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actioninterestsShowGeneral Yes API call
user_idInteger (10) No Can be supplied to see display interests of other user
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>General interests listed successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:21:04</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3073General interests listed successfully
60Session invalid, expired or empty

interestsUpdate: add or update user's interests


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actioninterestsUpdate Yes API call
favorite_authorsVarchar (50) No Favorite authors of the user
favorite_booksVarchar (50) No Favorite books of the user
favorite_moviesVarchar (50) No Favorite movies of the user
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Interests updated successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:30:51</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3074Interests updated successfully
3075All interests empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

interestsAddGeneral: add general interests (user input)


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actioninterestsAddGeneral Yes API call
interest_nameVarchar (50) Yes General interest of the user
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>General interest added successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:37:08</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3076General interest added successfully
3077Paremeter interest_name empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

interestsDeleteGeneral: delete general insterests (user input)


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actioninterestsDeleteGeneral Yes API call
interest_nameVarchar (50) Yes General interest of the user
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>General interest deleted successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Mon, 23 May 2016 14:41:33</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3078General interest deleted successfully
3079Deleting interest failed
3077Paremeter interest_name empty
60Session invalid, expired or empty

Privacy settings functions

privacyShowSettings: show all privacy settings for particular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionprivacyShowSettings Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Listing privacy settings successful</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 16:11:36</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3067Listing privacy settings successful
60Session invalid, expired or empty

privacyUpdateSetting: update one item of privacy settings for paticular user


Parameter Type (size) Mandatory Description
actionprivacyUpdateSettings Yes API call
setting_nameOne of settings (listed below) Yes API call
optionValues: EVERYONE, FRIENDS, NOBODY Yes API call
session_idVariable characters (100)Yes Session ID from logged in user

setting_name parameters:

  • show_my_reviews
  • show_my_recommendations
  • allow_recommending_me_items
  • show_my_bookshelf
  • show_my_interests
  • show_my_communities
  • show_my_bookclubs
  • show_my_following
  • allow_following_me
  • show_my_tags
  • show_my_friends
  • show_my_cork_board
  • items_we_share
  • allow_sending_me_messages
  • allow_start_chat

XML output example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <response_description>Privacy settings updated successfully</response_description>
 <response_time>Sun, 22 May 2016 16:18:46</response_time>

Response code

Code Code description
3068Privacy settings updated successfully
3069Invalid setting_name value
3070Invalid option value
3071Empty setting_name or option parameters
60Session invalid, expired or empty

New features requiring documentation

Profile editing functions

profileEditInformation: edit basic profile information


  • session_id
  • birth_date [YYYY-MM-DD]
  • show_age [Y/N]
  • library_card [if required]
  • gender [optional]
  • location_city
  • location_state [accepted states - statebycode function]
  • location_country [accepted countries]
  • quote

Output - success or error

profileDeletePicture: delete particular user's picture


  • session_id

Output: success or error

profileChangePicture: change particular user's picture


  • session_id
  • picture (JPG, PNG or GIF)

Output - success with img URLs [small, mid, large], or error

profileChangePassword: set or change user password

Same as userChangePassword from Reviews API

profileChangeNickname: change user nickname

Same as userChangeNickname from Reviews API

profileChangeEmail: set or change user e-mail

Same as userChangeEmail from Reviews API

profileChangeRead: set or change user's "Current read" item


  • session_id
  • item_id [ISBN or UPC] OR
  • cf_item_id

Output: success [item_title, item_author, item_id, cf_item_id] or fail message

profileDeleteRead: delete user's "Current read" item


  • session_id

Output: success or fail message

profileDeleteAccount: delete user's ChiliFresh account


  • session_id
  • remove_reviews_account [Y/N]
  • remove_connections_account [Y/N]
  • password (optional)

Output: success or failure message

Common connections functions

commonItems: show common items that particular user and other user have on shelves


  • session_id or user_id

Output: items block, item block [item_id, cf_item_id, item_title, item_author]

commonUsers: show common users that particular user and other user have as freinds


  • session_id or user_id

Output: users_block [user_id, nickname, last_login, city, state, country, quote, user_image_small, user_image_medium, user_image_large]

"My library" functions

myLibraryContent: display HTML content for "My Library" widget


  • session_id

Output: my_library_content [HTML stuff]

Statistics functions

statisticsShow: show statistics of Connections and comparison to friends of particular user


  • sessionID or userID

Output: my_stats block [friends, books_read, reviews_written, recommendations, comments] friends_average_stats block [friends, books_read, reviews_written, recommendations, comments]

Cork board functions

boardShowComments: show comments of user's Cork board


  • session_id or user_id
  • page_size

Output: comment_count, page_count, page_number, comments block, comment block, user block [user_id, nickname, last_login, city, state, country, quote, user_image_small, user_image_medium, user_image_large], comment_date, comment_text

boardAddComment: add a comment to other user's Cork board


  • session_id
  • user_id
  • comment_text

Output: success or failure message

Connections widgets

Documentation available here.

connections/api.1464032544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/23 14:42 by jposeika