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What is Connections?

To sum up, Connections is a social networking platform for book lovers provided right in your library's online public access catalog (OPAC). Just few things you can do using Connections:

  • Create and share your virtual bookselves - keep track of what you have read, what items you own, your current reads as well as wishlist items
  • Display your bookshelves right in your blog or other social networking applocations - once you create your bookshelf, you can create a widget for sharing it with others
  • Find other users with similar literary interests and receive reading recommendations from them as well as recommend books to others
  • Join or create book clubs, discussion groups, chat rooms or even communities about particular book, topic, author or anything else
  • Create and fully design a user profile to share with others using all basic social networking features like friending, messaging, instant messaging, etc.
  • Follow what other users are doing in Connections OR follow particular item - get to know when item gets a new review, gets added to a bookshelf or is being set as current read
  • Automatically post Connections events to your Twitter account


connections/intro.1291034703.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/22 04:55 (external edit)