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Covers (RESTful) API

Using Covers API you can retrieve data on ChiliFresh covers. It has output available in XML and JSON.

Covers availability data


* Parameters:

ParameterType (size)MandatoryDescription
isbnVariable characters (20)YesItem's ISBN, UPC or other ID
sizeVariable characters (50)NoOptions: S - small, M - medium, L - large, empty - returns all values. If incorrect size parameter, it is treated as empty.


  • Format: XML, JSON
  • Blocks and elements:
Block Element Type (size)Exists Description
Block response startsAlways
responseresponse_codeInteger (1)AlwaysResponse code 1 - response OK, 0 - missing item ID
responseresponse_descriptionText (255)AlwaysBrief description of response code
responseresponse_timeDate&time (D, d M Y H:i:s -hhmm)AlwaysExample: Thu, 30 Jun 2010 07:25:58 -0500
responseitem_idISBN, UPC or other item IDIf isbn parameter presentISBN, UPC or other item ID
responsesmall_cover_exists1 or 0If size parameter is “S” or empty1 if small cover exists, 0 if not
responsesmall_cover_urlURLIf small_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URLIf small_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URL
responsemedium_cover_exists1 or 0If size parameter is “M” or empty1 if medium cover exists, 0 if not
responsemedium_cover_urlURLIf medium_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URLIf medium_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URL
responselarge_cover_exists1 or 0If size parameter is “L” or empty1 if large cover exists, 0 if not
responselarge_cover_urlURLIf large_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URLIf large_cover_exists is 1, this parameter includes displays cover URL
Block response ends

XML input example:

XML output example:

	<response_description>Response OK</response_description>
	<response_time>Thu, 30 Jun 2011 07:25:58 -0500</response_time>

JSON input example:

JSON output example:

	"response_description":"Response OK",
	"response_time":"Thu, 30 Jun 2011 08:05:30 -0500",
covers/api.1309439511.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/22 04:55 (external edit)