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BETA builds

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Here you will find information on updates with each SN build installed for testing.

Build no.2 - 15th of September, 2009

Changes with this build:

  • New feature: password reminder functionality on sign-up form
  • New feature: password changing feature on profile editing page
  • New feature: “Add/remove books” link right below the bookshelf to make item management more intuitive
  • New feature: now when creating own style, can modify also statistics bar color
  • New feature: data of sign-up form are being saved so in case of error it does not have to be re-entered all over again
  • Bugfix for: not showing error message on sign-up form when nickname taken
  • Bugfix for: birth date not being saved at sign-up
  • Bugfix for: session error when adding friends
  • Bugfix for: session error when adding books
  • Bugfix for: library logo and data not being saved / reset in “My library section” / “Connections” on Admin panel

Build no.1 - 10th of August, 2009

  • First BETA build
public/beta-builds.1253015660.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/22 04:56 (external edit)