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reviews:faq-patron [2013/03/22 11:09]
georgina [What are patron email addresses collected for?]
reviews:faq-patron [2013/03/22 11:09] (current)
georgina [Is there a length limit for reviews?]
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 This depends on the library - it is possible to switch on or off the ability for patrons to post reviews anonymously. ​ This depends on the library - it is possible to switch on or off the ability for patrons to post reviews anonymously. ​
-==== Is there a length limit for reviews? ====+===== Is there a length limit for reviews? ​=====
 Yes, the limit is 65,535 characters per review. This is usually over 10,000 words, so should be enough for any review! Yes, the limit is 65,535 characters per review. This is usually over 10,000 words, so should be enough for any review!
reviews/faq-patron.1363968586.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/03/22 11:09 by georgina