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ChiliFresh system updates
Here we will be posting ChiliFresh software updates for our customers to learn about new features and fixes we are constantly adding.
Update #2 - 1st of October, 2011
Added an option for users to sign-in with their Twitter and Facebook accounts into Reviews
Added an option for users to sign-in with their Twitter and Facebook accounts into Connections
Added sign-in management options on Reviews tab→Settings section where the sign-in can be turned on/off
Added sign-in management options on Connections tab→General settings section where the sign-in can be turned on/off
Added new feature - sending moderation notifications to patrons when their reviews get accepted or rejected. This can be turned on at Reviews tab→Settings section. There is also an option to edit acceptance/rejection message options
Moved “Novelist content” section link from General tab to QR code lists section to avoid confusion
Update #1 - 1st of September, 2011
Added configurable Twitter hashtag, configurable at Admin panel→Reviews tab→Settings section
Added 20-minute refresh on Moderate reviews section on Admin panel→Reviews tab
Added login option both with e-mail or nickname for Admin panel, Reviews and Connections, labels not changed yet
Added “Useful” count on by each of reviews at Review screen
Added QR code lists feature (on General tab on Admin panel)
Added random Connections ticker items