Start-up guide for new Connections libraries

To set up Connections for your library, we recommend going through these steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel ( and go to the “Connections” tab.
  2. First choose “General Settings” and fill this out; we have further detail on the General Settings options here.
  3. Then choose “My library widget” and add your library's local information; again see further information on My Library content here.
  4. If you subscribe to Novelist content, go to “Novelist content” and add your profile ID and password. Click “update” and “apply to all” to allow all your library's locations to include this content within Connections.
  5. Finally, ensure you have sent us your core bibliographic data (used for both Reviews and Connections); please see our data processing instructions.

That's it - the key setup is done, and Connections is ready for your patrons to enjoy! Connections features for patrons are documented here.

If you're ready to look further, don't forget these additional features:

There's also help we can offer with promoting Connections: