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Connections widgets

Connections widgets are parts of Connections that can be integrated in any web-based system. The pre-requisite to have Connections widgets is:

  • jQuery 1.3.2+
  • jQuery fancyBox plugin 1.3.4

Single sign-on API described here.

To display widget contents:

  1. chili.init() must be called in all pages having ChiliFresh content implemented
  2. an active ChiliFresh session is required - meaning user has to be logged on to ChiliFresh (either Admin panel, Connections or for writing a review; or using single-signon) to be able to see widget output in the place-holder; and
  3. widget name is the part after the “cf_widget_” prefix - e.g., for “cf_widget_myfollowing” the name which has to be specified as widgets parameter for init() is “myfollowing”
  4. widget name has to be set in init() part - if no widget name set, all of the widgets will be loaded.
  5. for including ChiliFresh content over SSL, the only change is that file becomes The user session can go back and forth between SSL and plain hosts, as long as successful user session is established

If need to show several widgets on the same page, their names can be comma-separated. There is an example call for widget on the page:

        <div id="cf_widget_myfollowing"></div>
        <div id="cf_widget_statistics"></div>

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                'library_id': '12345',
                'opac_session': 'poi12j3oi12j3oi1j23oi',
                'widgets': 'myfollowing,statistics',
                'item_isbn': '0670031534'

To parse the widgets the following code (parser script) most go on below the following widget codes:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">

The $.chilifresh.init() call may contain additional parameters, e.g., to pass opac_session parameter value to user session after user opens OPAC screen after login or registration, the code would be:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">

For usershavingitem and itemconnections widgets the item ID (such as ISBN, UPC, etc.) is required to be passed to init(), and it can be done this way: <script type=“text/javascript” src=“”></script>

      <script type="text/javascript">
      <!-- $.chilifresh.init({'item_isbn':'0670031534'}); //-->


The code necessary to add each of the widgets are available below with each of the widgets, the widget name is the part after the “cf_widget_” prefix. You may include several widget place-holders per page, the parser script needs to be included only once. So that the entire implementation needs following lines of code in following order to work:

<div id="cf_widget_XXX">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">

The output will be HTML code of the widget without CSS styling - it must be added separately or the widget will use the styling of the page where it is implemented.

For widgets involving iFrame, a CSS file may be passed in as parameter like this:

<div id="cf_widget_XXX">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

Also, the full Connections interface CSS can be adjusted by passing 'connections_css' parameter like this: <script type=“text/javascript”>





Linking back from Connections widgets to catalog

For widgets with item, user deep-linking or specific widget linking back to catalog, the deep-link structure must be defined in source code such as in the example below. Here is explanation of each of URLs:

  1. item_url - deep-link URL structure to item details on catalog based on item's call number
  2. isbn_url - deep-link URL structure to item details on catalog based on item's ISBN
  3. title_url - deep-link URL structure to item details on catalog based on item's title & author
  4. user_url - link to ChiliFresh-specific user profile page on catalog containing Connections widgets
  5. logon_url - link to user logon screen in catalog (to initiate user session both - with catalog and for catalog to get user session from ChiliFresh)
  6. register_url - link to user registration form in catalog
  7. record_url - link to catalog user's profile/record page
  8. search_url - link to search screen of the catalog
  9. related_users_url - link to ChiliFresh-specific “Related users” page on catalog containing ChiliFresh “Related users” widget
  10. connected_items_url - link to ChiliFresh-specific “Connected items” page on catalog containing ChiliFresh “Connected items” widget
  11. tags_url - link to ChiliFresh-specific “Tags” page on catalog containing ChiliFresh “Tags” widget
  12. css - URL to CSS file that applies to ChiliFresh content so that it can be applied to content in iFrames
  13. connections_css - CSS file for ChiliFresh content that gets opened in overlay lightbox window
  14. after_fb_close - a JavaScript function name to call after fancyBox overlay window is closed
<div id="cf_widget_XXX">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            'item_url' : '{CONTROL_NUMBER}',
	    'user_url' : '{USER_ID}',
	    'isbn_url' : '{ISBN}',
	    'title_url' : '{TITLE}&author={AUTHOR}',
	    'logon_url' : '',
	    'register_url' : '',
	    'record_url' : '',
	    'search_url' : '',
	    'related_users_url': '{ISBN}&mode=relatedusers',
	    'connected_items_url': '{ISBN}&mode=relateditems',
	    'tags_url': '{ISBN}&mode=itemtags',
	    'css' : '',
	    'connections_css' : '',
            'after_fb_close' : 'execute_this()'

PLEASE NOTE: must use {CONTROL_NUMBER}, {USER_ID} and {ISBN} tokens in corresponding places to mark where the appropriate ID should go

User profile


<div id="cf_widget_profile"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_bookshelf"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_corkboard"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_interests"></div>

My library


<div id="cf_widget_mylibrary"></div>

My friends


<div id="cf_widget_myfriends"></div>

My interests


<div id="cf_widget_interests"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_statistics"></div>

My following


<div id="cf_widget_myfollowing"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_tags"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_communities"></div>



<div id="cf_widget_bookclubs"></div>

Chat rooms


<div id="cf_widget_chatrooms"></div>

Discussion groups


<div id="cf_widget_discussions"></div>

Item connections widget


<div id="cf_widget_itemconnections"></div>

However, it requires having item ID specified in the init() part like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'itemconnections',
    'item_isbn': '0670031534'

Item users widget


<div id="cf_widget_usershavingitem"></div>

However, it requires having item ID specified in the init() part like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'usershavingitem',
    'item_isbn': '0670031534'

New widgets

Edit profile


<div id="cf_widget_editprofile"></div>

Show public profile


<div id="cf_widget_publicprofile"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'publicprofile',
    'userid': '1234'

My reviewed items


<div id="cf_widget_revieweditems"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'revieweditems',
    'userid': '1234'

My reviews


<div id="cf_widget_reviews"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'reviews',
    'userid': '1234'

Following settings


<div id="cf_followingcfg"></div>

Widget ID: widget_followingcfg

Users following me


<div id="cf_widget_userfollowers"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'userfollowers',
    'userid': '1234'

Users I am following


<div id="cf_widget_userfollowing"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'userfollowing',
    'userid': '1234'

Search users in my library


<div id="cf_widget_findusers"></div>

User bookshelves


<div id="cf_widget_userbookshelves"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'userbookshelves',
    'userid': '1234'

User friends


<div id="cf_widget_userfriends"></div>

However, it requires having user ID specified in the init() part like this or uses user's own ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'userfriends',
    'userid': '1234'

User messages


<div id="cf_widget_messaging"></div>


<div id="cf_widget_relatedusers"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'relatedusers',
    'item_isbn': '0670031534'

Connected items


<div id="cf_widget_relateditems"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'relateditems',
    'item_isbn': '0670031534'

Item tags


<div id="cf_widget_itemtags"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    'widgets': 'itemtags',
    'item_isbn': '0670031534'
connections/api/widgets.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/24 04:46 by jposeika