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How to suspend a review

First, please note the following important points:

  • In order to suspend a review, you must be a moderator for the location at which you want to suspend the review. Ask your site administrator if you are not yet a moderator.
  • Once you suspend a review, it will remain accessible in the Admin Panel if you wish to accept or delete it later.
  • Please see the FAQs page for moderators for clarification on the difference between suspending, suppressing, and deleting a review.

If you want to suspend a review rather than simply accept or delete it, here are the steps you must take:

  • To suspend a review, log in to the Admin Panel and go to “Reviews” then “Moderate Reviews”.
  • Tick the review you wish to suspend and click “suspend”. You can tick multiple reviews then use the “suspend checked” button at the bottom of the screen to suspend multiple reviews at once.
  • If you are suspending a review to check the content (e.g. to edit something in the review or ask the user to edit something), you can use the “contact user” link by the reviewer's name, in order to send them a message. Note that this option will not appear by reviews posted anonymously (if your library allows anonymous reviews).
  • If you wish to accept/edit/delete the review later, e.g. after receiving a response from the user, you can go to “Suspended Reviews” on the “Moderate Reviews” screen to take the relevant action.
reviews/suspend.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/29 09:38 by georgina