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Frequently Asked Questions

We are rarely asked questions about the functionality of Reviews as we have built it to be very intuitive with in-built tips (shown when you hover your mouse over the red question marks that appear by key features throughout the software).

However, you'll find here some questions around issues we're sometimes asked about. If you have a question about ChiliFresh Reviews and you can't find the answer, please contact us at or submit your question here.

For ease of reading, FAQs for library administrators are featured here, and you can find separate pages for patron FAQs and moderator FAQs.

Administrator FAQs

What is the difference between moderators and administrators?

There are four types of users of ChiliFresh Reviews:

  1. Administrators - the library's ChiliFresh account holders and/or other registered users the account holder has appointed as an administrator. Additional administrators are appointed in the Admin Panel (log in at using the “Manage administrators” section on the “General” tab. Administrators can manage the library's ChiliFresh account, including appointing moderators, chat operators, managing registered users and, if allowed, appointing other administrators.
  2. Moderators - registered users who are appointed by administrators to have permission to moderate reviews. They may be given permission to moderate reviews for a specific library or libraries, or all libraries, in a multi-library system. Additional moderators are appointed in the Admin Panel (log in at using the “Manage administrators” section on the “General” tab.
  3. Registered users - patrons who have posted reviews after signing up for an account. Registered users choose a nickname to be shown when posting reviews, and can view all of their reviews posted previously.
  4. Anonymous users - patrons who have posted reviews without registration (if your library account's settings allow that).

How do I add moderators to selected locations?

Having logged in to the Admin panel (, go to the “Reviews” tab and choose “Manage moderators”. Moderators can be added or removed from all locations by clicking the “+ALL” or “-ALL” buttons.

To add or remove a moderator from a particular location, you must switch to that location using “Switch between branches/locations” on the “General” tab first. Once you have switched location (you can see the active location named at the top of the screen), you can go to “Manage moderators” on the “Reviews” tab and add or remove the moderator.

What is the ISBN-lookup URL setting and what is it used for?

It is a URL containing the code “{ISBN}” which, when “{ISBN}” is replaced by a real ISBN, creates a link to that item on your OPAC. This URL is different for each library's OPAC (dependent on the library system supplier, and configuration of the system).

This setting is used for linking to specific items in various places throughout ChiliFresh products, e.g. from the Reviews widget, for links in social networks, or links to items in book lists.

For moderators: Moderating reviews

Where and how do I moderate reviews?

If you are appointed as a moderator to any location(s), to moderate reviews you have to log on to, navigate to “Reviews” tab and “Moderate reviews” section. There you will see unmoderated reviews (if any) and moderation options such as accept, suspend, delete, edit, etc.

If you believe (according to common sense your your library's OPAC terms of use or possibly moderation policy - or whichever factor may apply) that review should be accepted - click:

  • Accept by the review, if you want to accept it,
  • Delete to remove the review forever,
  • Suspend to temporarily suspend the review for whatever reason, or
  • Edit to edit the review before accepting it.

How are reviews distributed between moderators?

All moderators from particular location are assigned the same reviews. When moderators receive moderation notification, the number of reviews in the e-mail is calculated summing up all the reviews from all the locations the moderator is appointed to. This way first moderator logging on to moderate reviews will have a chance to moderate all of the reviews not waiting for any particular moderator to log on.

Why am I not receiving moderation reminders?

There might be a couple of reasons. First, please verify at “Reviews” section what is the frequency the moderation reminders are sent out - daily, weekly or never. Daily reviews are sent out every morning (if there are reviews to moderate), weekly reminders are sent out on Monday mornings (if there are reviews to moderate).

If your reminder frequency is set up properly, then possibly there are no reviews to moderate at the time moderation reminders are sent out.

Why did I receive moderation reminder, but there are no reviews to moderate?

As reviews are distributed for moderation for all the moderators assigned to particular location, some other moderator has probably logged on first and moderated all the reviews before you.

Can I suppress a review added and accepted for another library?

Yes, here's a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to do that - click here.

What is the difference between suspending and deleting a review?

The difference is that suspended reviews will not show up for users to see, but you can see the suspended reviews in a list and later decide on accepting them. This can be useful for suspending a review until some details are found out until some details clarified with the patron posting review. Deleting a review irreversibly deletes it.

What is the difference between suspending/deleting and suppressing a review?

Suppressing a review is a feature for reviews written in another library. By suppressing review, it will not be visible to patrons of your library while it will be available for other libraries displaying reviews. Here's a detailed step-by-step tutorial on suppressing a review - click here.

Is there some policy I need to follow when moderating reviews?

Basically, it depends on your library - there may be a special moderations or review posting policy in place. If not, you must rely on common sense - if the review uses appropriate language, if it is for appropriate item, etc.

Why do I see "Contact user" for some, but not all users by reviews?

The “Contact user” feature is available for users who have signed-up, but not for anonymous users as we do not collect their e-mail addresses.

Why do I see item title by most of reviews, but "ISBN no." for some?

This is because we currently do not have item title/author information in our database for item the review was posted for. To avoid this, we encourage, but not require our customers to send us part of their bibliographic records - that way we are able to display item titles at all of our customer items. To find out more on how to send us your data and in what format, click here.

Is there a way to split longer reviews?

Yes - if there is a longer review, please add [XBR] (in capitals) in the place where the review should be split. This will add “Read more” link to the place the review is split, the rest of review being available after clicking the link.

What is review language for and where does it come from?

Review language is taken either from default location language or used language in OPAC - depending on OPAC version and configuration. It is used for filtering which reviews to show to your patrons - it can be configured at “Settings” section under “Reviews” tab.


Are there any special firewall adjustments necessary to display ChiliFresh content?

In general - no, ChiliFresh content is a normal web-based content implemented using Javascript or API. However, there have been some cases where firewall of local network has been blocking ChiliFresh content due to general filters of 3rd-party Javascript content. This can be easily fixed by adding “” to secure hosts in your network firewall.

reviews/faq.1363966794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/22 10:39 by georgina